About GLOW

Our Founder

Rhonda DiGenova was born in Mobile, Alabama in 1967 where she grew up in a broken home that was fractured with abuse and abandonment.  She met her future husband at the first televised Disney World Happy Easter Parade in Orlando, Florida in 1985.    Jeff, wearing his Junior Naval Officer Dress Whites, escorted Rhonda, a Mobile Azalea Trail Maid, in front of the Grand Finale float, having been paired up by the choreographer just before the parade was to begin.  They married in 1987 and spent five dreamy years stationed in Hawaii before moving to the Pacific Northwest and starting a family in 1994.   It was then she learned of a dramatic conflict of faith that would push their marriage, and her faith, to their limits in years to come.

In 1996, clinically depressed with two preschoolers and Jeff traveling for work more and more frequently, Rhonda was introduced to M.O.P.S. by a friend and found community with imperfect moms who loved Jesus and dragged her into leadership, which required her to join her first Bible study.  By 1998 she was writing a devotional column for their newsletter and an area speaker for additional mom’s groups.  She led Bible studies until returning to the workforce part-time at a non-profit before the Lord called her back into ministry as administrator and women’s ministry coordinator for Radiant Church in Camas WA in 2014.

GLOW began taking shape as the women’s ministry grew under her leadership, including Bible studies, At the Well events or the women’s retreats she developed in response to God’s transformative work in her life through years of study in His Word.  What began as a desire to win a theological argument with her husband became a lifeline of truth and hope when, after seven years into marriage, Jeff revealed he did not believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, nor did he believe in the need of a Savior. 

Today, it is Rhonda’s broken beginnings and underlying conflict of faith in her marriage that fuels her passion to equip women to face all trials with the power which comes only through the living, breathing Word of God – the same power that has transformed her unforgiveness into reconciliation, brokenness into victories, self-absorption into sacrificial love and despair into hope.

She and Jeff currently relish the joys of grandparenting (Emerson, Halle and Damian), visiting their children, Andrea (Juan) and Michael (Taylor) in Idaho as often as possible, and exploring new adventures together after the Lord relocated them to Wenatchee, Washington in 2021.


Do you know the story about the Samaritan woman at the well?  The one who collected her water in the heat of the day to avoid others?  was from a despised group of people?  had lived through five husbands and was living with yet another man?  who argued with the Son of God about where, Who and how to worship?  The one Jesus didn’t turn away, and then she ran to tell everyone she knew, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.  Could this be the Messiah?” (John 4:29, NIV)

THAT is the mission at GLOW, to provide places and resources women can come to as they are, find truth and belonging in the presence of Jesus, the Word of God, and experience transformation to the point they simply HAVE to tell others about a Messiah who entered our world as a man.  Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, our Living Water, the One who knows everything about us, still offers us far more than we could ever hope for or imagine.  I hope you stay awhile!


Everything created or collected here at GLOW exists to equip you for a transformed life with tools to deepen your relationship with and understanding of Jesus Christ. Here are a few resources offered on this website:

Download – Freely you have receivedfreely give (Matt 10:8) Find free downloadable documents referenced in Bible Studies or Blogs, Bible reading plans, free Bible studies, promise cards, prayer prompts and quarterly newsletter.

ListenHe will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing (Zeph 3:17)   I believe God ministers to our unspoken cries of anguish AND joy through a variety of voices.  Here you’ll find links to song playlists or featured songs referenced throughout this website.  You’ll also find links to Christian radio stations, networks and podcasts.

ReadDo not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2) By renewing our minds with truth day after day, our heart begins to transform and we begin to see God as the source of our significance, sufficiency, security and satisfaction. Here you’ll find suggested books referenced throughout this website.  Read or listen to a short devotional from Rhonda for every day.

StudyI pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him (Eph 1:17) There are volumes and volumes of study materials we can become overwhelmed by.  While you will not find an exhaustive list of tools and studies to explore, here you will find some tried and true tools I’ve found useful and continue coming back to.

Statement of Faith

I believe there is one God Who exists in three Persons:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  They are simultaneously distinct and inseparable from one another, in perfect, infinite union with each other, and necessary in totality for the redemption of all humankind.

I believe God the Father is the Father of Jesus Christ and Abba Father to His children.  He is Creator of all life – the heavens and the earth, the animals on land, sea and air, and human beings, male and female, made in His image.  He so loved the world He created that He sent His only Son to be our Savior, that whoever believes in Him would not perish in eternal separation from Him, but would have everlasting life with God our Father.

I believe that God the Son is Jesus Christ, the Word of God Who put on flesh and Who is the exact representation of God the Father.  He is the Savior sent by God, the Messiah Who walked among us as a man, born of a virgin, fully man and fully God.  I believe He lived a life free from sin, declared He is God, was put to human death for my sin, defeated death when He left behind an empty tomb and showed Himself to thousands before returning to God the Father.  I believe He is one day returning to gather His church and longs to gather us all.

I believe that God the Holy Spirit is the One Who, being sent by God the Father to reveal and glorify God the Son, indwells all who believe Jesus Christ by faith is Lord and Savior and continuously conforms believers to the image of Jesus Christ.  He is the One Who works the mystery of transformation in a believer through conviction, revelation and sanctification.

I believe that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Spirit of God, without error and is the supreme and final authority for faith and life application.  It is living and active, as relevant today as when it was God-breathed and organized into the 66 Books of the Old and New Testament we now call the Bible.

I believe the death of Jesus Christ on the cross is sufficient to make atonement, that is, the payment owed to God the Father, for the sin of the world.  This atonement is available to all who admit their sin and need of a Savior, who believe forgiveness and salvation are given because of the all-sufficient work of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, His risen body from the grave on the third day, and His victory over death that guarantees eternal life for all who believe.

I believe salvation from judgment, forgiveness of sin, and eternal life are free gifts of God’s grace and cannot be earned, deserved, inherited or bought and only those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior will escape judgment and be welcomed into heaven by God the Son.

I believe the true Church is not an organized religion, denomination or building, but the Body of Christ, which is made up of broken, imperfect people who have personally trusted Jesus Christ as Savior and seek to serve Him by serving those He positions and equips us to serve. 

I believe that daily Bible reading and prayer are as necessary for sustaining our spirit as food, water and air are necessary to sustain our life.  I believe there are seasons we are able to devote more time than others to these disciplines, and through the power of God the Holy Spirit those snippets of time we devote to Him are multiplied and fill the emptied places of our soul.

I believe that all believers are commanded to point others to Jesus Christ, sharing the Gospel to others in the intentional and random places of the world we find ourselves in…places God the Father went to great lengths to position us for the works He created in advance for us to do.